Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Gods

The Greek Gods and Goddesses

      Achelois - One of the moon goddesses.

  • Achelous - The patron god of the Achelous river.

  • Aeolus - (a.k.a. Aeolos, Aiolos, Aiolus, Eolus) God of air and the winds.

  • Aether - (a.k.a. Aither, Akmon, Ether) God of light and the atmosphere.

  • Alastor - God of family feuds.

  • Alcyone - One of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione.

  • Alectrona - Early Greek goddess of the sun.

  • Amphitrite - (a.k.a. Salacia) The wife of Poseidon and a Nereid.

  • Antheia - Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.

  • Aphaea - (a.k.a. Aphaia) A Greek goddess who was worshipped exclusively at a single sanctuary on the island of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf.

  • Aphrodite - (a.k.a. Anadyomene, Turan, Venus) Goddess of love and beauty.

  • Apollo - (a.k.a. Apollon, Apulu, Phoebus) God of the sun, music, healing, and herding.

  • Ares - (a.k.a. Enyalius, Mars, Aries) God of chaotic war.

  • Aristaeus - (a.k.a. Aristaios) Patron god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees.

  • Artemis - (a.k.a. Agrotora, Amarynthia, Cynthia, Kourotrophos, Locheia, Orthia, Phoebe, Potnia Theron) Goddess of the moon, hunting, and nursing.

  • Asclepius - (a.k.a. Aesculapius, Asklepios) God of health and medicine.

  • Astraea - The Star Maiden - a goddess of justice, included in Virgo and Libra mythologies.

  • Até - Goddess of mischief.

  • Athena - (a.k.a. Asana, Athene, Minerva, Menerva) Goddess of wisdom, poetry, art, and the strategic side of war.

  • Atlas - The Primordial Titan who carried the weight of the heavens on his back.

  • Atropos - (a.k.a. Aisa, Morta) One of The Fates - She cut the thread of life and chose the manner of a persons death.

  • Attis - The (minor) god of rebirth.

  •       Bia - The goddess of force.

  • Boreas - (a.k.a. Aquilo, Aquilon) The North Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

  • Brizo - Protector of Mariners.

  • Caerus - (a.k.a. Kairos, Occasio, Tempus) The (minor) god of luck and opportunity.

  • Calliope - One of the Muses. Represented epic poetry.

  • Calypso - (a.k.a. Kalypso) The sea nymph who held Odysseus prisoner for seven years.

  • Castor - (a.k.a. Castore, Kastor) One of the twins who represent Gemini.

  • Celaeno - The name of a wife of Poseidon.

  • Cerus - The wild bull tamed by Persephone, made into the Taurus constellation.

  • Ceto - (a.k.a. Keto) a sea monster goddess who was also the mother of other sea monsters.

  • Chaos - (a.k.a. Khaos) The nothingness that all else sprung from.

  • Charon - (a.k.a. Charun) The Ferryman of Hades. He had to be paid to help one cross the river Styx.

  • Chronos - (a.k.a. Chronus, Khronos) God of time.

  • Circe - (a.k.a. Kirke) A goddess who transformed her enemies into beasts.

  • Clio - One of the Muses. She represented History.

  • Clotho - (a.k.a. Nona) One of the Fates - Spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle.

  • Crios - The crab who protected the sea nymphs, made into the Cancer constellation.

  • Cronus - (a.k.a. Cronos, Kronos, Saturn) God of agriculture, father of the Titans.

  • Cybele - (a.k.a. Agdistis, Magna Mater, Meter, Meter Oreie) Goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.

  • Demeter - (a.k.a. Ceres, Demetra, Tvath) Goddess of the harvest.

  • Dinlas - Guardian of the ancient city of Lamark, where wounded heroes could heal after battle.

  • Dionysus - (a.k.a. Bacchus, Dionysos, Liber) God of wine and pleasure.

  • Doris - A Sea Nymph, mother of the Nereids.

  • Eileithyia - (a.k.a. Eileithyiai, Eilithia, Eilythia, Eleuthia, Ilithia, Ilithyia, Lucina) Goddess of childbirth.

  • Eireisone - The deity who embodied the sacred ceremonial olive branch.

  • Electra - (a.k.a. Atlantis) One of the seven Pleiades.

  • Elpis - (a.k.a. Spes) The spirit of Hope.

  • Enyo - (a.k.a. Bellona) A (minor) goddess of war, connected to Eris.

  • Eos - (a.k.a. Aurora, Eosphorus, Mater Matuta, Thesan) Goddess of the Dawn.

  • Erato - One of the Muses - represents Lyrics/Love Poetry.

  • Erebus - (a.k.a. Erebos) God of darkness.

  • Eris - (a.k.a. Discordia) Goddess of strife, connected to Enyo.

  • Eros - (a.k.a. Amor, Cupid, Eleutherios) God of love, procreation and sexual desire.

  • Eurus - (a.k.a. Euros, Vulturnus) The East Wind - One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

  • Euterpe - One of the Muses - represents Music/Lyrics/Poetry.

  • Gaia - (a.k.a. Celu, Gaea, Terra) Goddess of the Earth, also known as Mother Earth.

  • Glaucus - (a.k.a. Glacus, Glaukos) A fisherman turned immortal, turned Argonaut, turned a god of the sea.

  • Hades - (a.k.a. Aita, Dis Pater, Haidou, Orcus, Plouton, Pluto) God of the Dead, King of the Underworld.

  • Harmonia - (a.k.a. Concordia) Goddess of Harmony and Concord.

  • Hebe - (a.k.a. Juventas) Goddess of youth.

  • Hecate - (a.k.a. Hekat, Hekate, Trivia) Goddess of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and the undead.

  • Helios - (a.k.a. Sol) God of the Sun.

  • Hemera - (a.k.a. Amar, Dies, Hemere) Goddess of daylight.

  • Hephaestus - (a.k.a. Hephaistos, Vulcan, Sethlans, Mulciber) God of fire and blacksmithing who created weapons for the gods.

  • Hera - (a.k.a. Juno, Uni) Goddess of goddesses, women, and marriage and wife of Zeus.

  • Heracles - (a.k.a. Herakles, Hercules, Hercle) An immortal hero of many Greek legends, the strongest man on Earth.

  • Hermes - (a.k.a. Pyschopompus, Mercury, Turms) God of commerce and travel, and messenger of the gods.

  • Hesperus - (a.k.a. Hesperos, Vesper) The Evening Star.

  • Hestia - (a.k.a. Vesta) Greek goddess of the home and fertility. One of the Hesperides.

  • Hygea - (a.k.a. Hygieia, Salus) Goddess of cleanliness and hygeine.

  • Hymenaios - (a.k.a. Hymenaeus, Hymen) God of weddings.

  • Hypnos - (a.k.a. Somnus) God of sleep.

  • Iris - Goddess of rainbows.

  • Khione - The goddess of snow and daughter of the North Wind (Boreas).

  • Kotys - (a.k.a. Cotys, Cottyto, Cottytus) A Dionysian goddess whose celebrations were wild and liscivious.

  • Kratos - A god of strength and power.

  • Lacheses - (a.k.a. Decima) One of the Fates. Measured the thread of life with her rod.

  • Maia - (a.k.a. Mya, Fauna, Maia Maiestas, Bono Dea) One of the seven Pleiades, Goddess of fields.

  • Mania - (a.k.a. Mania, Manea) Goddess of insanity and the dead.

  • Melpomene - One of the Muses - represented Tragedy.

  • Merope - One of the seven Pleiades, married to king Sisyphos.

  • Metis - Titan goddess of wisdom.

  • Momus - (a.k.a. Momos) God of satire, writers, and poets.

  • Morpheus - God of dreams and sleep.

  • Nemesis - (a.k.a. Rhamnousia, Invidia) Goddess of retribution (vengeance).

  • Nereus - (a.k.a. Phorcys, Phorkys) Titan God who Fathered the Nereids. God of the Sea before Poseidon.

  • Nike - (a.k.a. Victoria, Nice) Goddess of victory.

  • Notus - (a.k.a. Auster) The South Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

  • Nyx - (a.k.a. Nox) Goddess of night.

  • Oceanus - Titan god of the ocean.

  • Pallas - A giant who was one of the ancient Titan gods of war.

  • Pan - (a.k.a. Faunus, Inuus) God of woods, fields, and flocks. Also a Satyr.

  • Peitha - (a.k.a. Peitho, Suadela) Goddess of persuasion.

  • Persephone - (a.k.a. Persephassa, Persipina, Persipnei, Persephatta, Proserpina, Kore, Kora, Libera) Goddess of the Spring who lives off-season in the Underworld.

  • Pheme - (a.k.a. Fama) Goddess of fame and gossip.

  • Phosphorus - (a.k.a. Phosphor, Lucifer) The Morning Star.

  • Plutus - God of wealth.

  • Pollux - (a.k.a. Polydeuces) One of the twins who represent Gemini.

  • Polyhymnia - One of the Muses - represents sacred poetry and geometry.

  • Pontus - (a.k.a. Pontos) Ancient god of the deep sea.

  • Poseidon - (a.k.a. Neptune, Nethuns, Neptunus) God of the sea and earthquakes.

  • Priapus - (a.k.a. Priapus, Mutinus, Mutunus) A (minor) god of gardens and fertility, best known for having an enormous penis.

  • Pricus - The immortal father of sea-goats, made into the Capricorn constellation.

  • Proteus - An early sea god before Poseidon.

  • Rhea - (a.k.a. Cybele) Goddess of nature.

  • Selene - (a.k.a. Luna) Goddess of the Moon and the 'mother' of vampires.

  • Sterope - (a.k.a. Asterope) One of the seven Pleiades, who bore a child of Ares.

  • Styx - A Naiad who was the first to aid Zeus in the Titan war. (Not to be confused with the river Styx).

  • Tartarus - (a.k.a. Tartaros, Tartarizo) God of the depths of the Underworld - a great storm pit - and the father of Typhon.

  • Taygete - (a.k.a. Taygeti, Taigeti) One of the seven Pleiades, a mountain nymph.

  • Terpsichore - One of the Muses - represented Dancing.

  • Thalia - One of the Muses - represented Comedy.

  • Thanatos - (a.k.a. Mors) God of death.

  • Themis - Ancient goddess of divine order, law, and custom.

  • Thetis - Leader of the Nereids, a shapeshifter, and a prophet.

  • Triton - Trumpeter of the sea and messenger of the deep.

  • Tyche - (a.k.a. Fortuna, Nortia) Goddess of fortune and prosperity.

  • Typhon - (a.k.a. Typhaon, Typhoeus, Typhus) God of monsters, storms, and volcanoes. Challenged Zeus for control of Mount Olympus.

  • Urania - One of the Muses - represented Astronomy and Astrology.

  • Uranus - (a.k.a. Ouranos, Caelus) God of the sky and the heavens. Father of the Titans.

  • Zelus - The god of zeal, rivalry, and jealousy.

  • Zephyrus - (a.k.a. Zephyros, Favonius, Zephyr) The West Wind. One of the Anemoi (wind gods).

  • Zeus - (a.k.a. Dias, Jupiter, Tinia, Jove, Jovis Pater) Leader of the Olympic gods, and god of lightning, thunder, and the heavens.


    The Roman Gods and Goddesses

    Jupiter: The mighty king of the gods. Roman god of the sky, thunderstorms, lightning, weather and air. Also god of law, order, justice, governance and strength. Most important god of the Romans and usually had the highest divine authority over other gods. Husband of Juno.

  • Neptune: One of the brothers of Jupiter, one of the prime gods and ruler of the seas. The patron of sailors and the protector of ships.
  • Juno: Queen of the gods and wife of Jupiter. Goddess of Marriage and Women. Protector and Counsellor of Rome.
  • Mars: God of War, Spring and Justice. Patron of the Roman Legions and divine father of Romulus and Remus.
  • Venus: Goddess of Love and consort of Mars. Divine mother of Aeneas, ancestor of the Romans.
  • Bellona: Goddess of War, Conquest and Peace.
  • Minerva: Goddess of Wisdom, Divine Counsel, Useful Arts, Crafts and Later War.
  • Janus: God of Beginnings, Endings, Transition, Doorways and Keys.
  • Vesta: Goddess of the Home and the Hearth. Matron of Rome.

  • Ammit
    The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

    A demon with the head of a crocodile, the torso of a leopard, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus
    AmunA man with WindCombined with sun god Ra to become more powerful.
    AmunetWife of Amun, one of the creation goddesses.[2]
    AnhurAn Egyptian sky god and God of war.[3] His name meant "sky-bearer".[3]Husband of Mehit
    AnputGoddess of the seventeenth Nome of Upper EgyptMother of Kebechet
    AnubisGod of dead, embalming, funerals, and mourning ceremonies
    Jackal-headed god
    Son of Osiris and Nephthys, helps Osiris
    AnuketGoddess of the river Nile
    ApisA live bull worshipped as a god at Memphis[4]This is a rare case of an animal being worshiped as a god while alive, then mummified when he died[5]
    ApophisGod of snakes and war and ChaosHe lives in the Duat. Also known as Apep. God of chaos sometimes seen as Apophis the chaos snake
    AtenThe disk of the sunOriginally an aspect of Ra
    BabiGod of baboons
    Bast /
    Cat goddessKnown to protect pregnant women and children. She is also involved in celebrations. The protector of Ra, his third eye.
    Besdwarf godGod of Pregnant woman, newborn babies, and family also known to protect from snake and scorpion bites
    GebGod of the earthHusband to Nut and father of Set, Osiris, Memphys, Isis
    Gengen-WerGoose god
    HapiGod of the Nile
    HathorGoddess of love"alter ego" of Sehkmet
    HeketGoddess of frogs
    HorusGod of war, sky, and falconsHe is brother to Anubis and the son of Osiris and Isis
    IsisGoddess of magic, marriage, healing, and protectionShe is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus.
    KebechetGoddess of purificationAlso known as the wandering goddess, or the lost child
    KhepriGod of scarab beetlesRa's aspect in the morning
    KhnumRam-headed godRa's aspect in the evening
    KhonsuGod of the moon
    KukPersonification of darkness
    MaahesEgyptian lion-headed god of warThe son of the creator god Ptah, as well as the feline goddess Sekhmet
    Ma'atGoddess of justice,truth and of orderAlso the daughter of Ra Command for Order
    MafdetGod of justiceExecutioner of criminals, protector of the King's chambers
    MenhitMinor lion goddessWife of Anhur
    NephthysFunerary goddessConsort of Seth, mother of Anubis
    Nekhbetvulture goddessSister of Wadjet
    NutGoddess of sky and starsWife of Geb
    OsirisGod of the underworld and the afterlifeHusband and brother of Isis, Brother and mortal enemy to Seth, Father to Horus and Anubis
    PakhetA goddess of motherhood and of war[6]
    PtahGod of creation
    QebuiGod of the North wind[7]
    QeteshA mother-goddess of fertility[8]Adopted into ancient Egypt from Kadesh in what is now Syria.[8]
    RaGod of the SunRa was king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne. He is also known as Amun-Ra and Akmun-Rah
    Raet-TawyFemale sun goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt[9]Female counterpart of Ra[10]
    SekhmetGoddess of lions, fire and vengeanceAlter form of Hathor
    SekerFalcon godPrimary god of the Memphis necropolis
    SelketGoddess of scorpions
    SeshatGoddess of writing and measurement
    SetGod of chaos/change, deserts, storms, foreignersMortal enemy and brother to Osiris, Husband to Nephthys. He killed his brother Osiris because of jealousy. No one can really describe what he is. He is a human hybrid, half human mixed with an unknown creature. It is sometimes called the set animal
    ShuGod of wind and airConsort of Tefnut, father of Geb and Nut Greatgrandfather to Anubis and Horus
    SobekGod of crocodiles and alligatorsRows Ra's Sunboat throuht the Duat
    SopduA god of warAssociated with the sun and with the planet Venus
    Tawarethippopotamus goddess
    goddess of childbirth and fertility
    Tefnutlion goddess of water and fertilityConsort of Shu, mother of Geb and Nut
    Thothscribe god, god of wisdomAlso known as Djehuti
    WadjetGoddess of protectionSister of Nekhbet
    Wadj-werPersonifies the Mediterranean Sea and other lakes.

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