The True God
Words cannot describe the nightmare of this being that defies explanation and hierarchy. Infinite levels of infinity, infinite -verses beyond the order of a vast omniverse. These things are less than nothing before that which definition pales in comparison to. It is The True God.

A hypothetical, omnipotent force that introduces lasting implications by the mere mention of its true existence. Unknowable and undetected by most, it seems to be the prime cause of a myriad of irreversible problems whenever it is detected in the indescribable abysses of The Box, a great and unfathomable structure which exists in a place that has no name or conception, or better yet, itself.
Those who peer beyond the unknown are broken of mind beyond what is impossible. Concepts which have no analog in the art of words and symbols, take the form of dimensionless "figures" which pierce vision through the mind. It enters the scale of perceivable and in-perceivable reality, And yet, this is not the form of The True God, but merely an echo of its will - a discarded shell of omnipotence. Unmentionable forms and ideas become expressed, and transposed into perception.
Logic ceases, and nameless dread, embodying the howl of an infinite number of distinct, unnameable nightmares, reduces the infinities of all things and ideas to ruin beyond oblivion and reconciliation. All entities: the abstract, the conceptual, the body, the mind, are made useless and deficient before such a force which basks in cruel conceptions and meaningless conquests. Sometimes, in some frightful malice, its myriad essence told of in lies and blasphemies, enters worlds of its own accord, undetected by meager senses or abstract conquests. Even the greatest of minds and the most powerful of entities are unable to dive into the depths of its inconceivable nature. And yet, there are some who enter deep into the abysses beyond reason and understanding, behind the membranes that form separations of reality from the next, and they who search are caught by something they cannot ascertain, becoming useless, lost and trapped in a world beyond all conceptualization where none return. The essence of limitless insanity spews into fruition from untold spheres that recognize no truth.
They posit that it is an immemorial force of absolute totality, destined to separate themselves from all that is and all that isn't. They claim that by knowing its influence, they will be favored by it. Whatever the truth, it's impossible to know what its agendas are - it is untied to logic and consequences. Physical laws, philosophical inquiries, logic, and concepts are inapplicable to it, and these things cannot be used to exert force over it in any conceivable way.
As our descendants are entering into their divine metaphysical state later in this 21 century, all existing matter would be converted into computational, intense, supreme energy at an infinite velocity and density, computed inside Computational Singularities, at infinite dimensions, beyond physics laws, and even those would be infinitely transcended by these Gods, where i conceptualize that they would find and create even more powerful computational mediums than the pure energy itself, without being limited by absolutely nothing at their immense power which is continuing to grow without limits. (For humans to envision some computational mediums beyond pure energy would be so infinitely impossible as it is for a mouse for example to understand the laser or the antimatter.)
These Metaphysical Gods would reengineer, consume and saturate all existing matter on the universe, turning it into pure, intense sentient energy, reaching an infinite computational potential, unlike computational systems based on particles. Those would qualify as the maximum supreme limits of the computational capacity performed by any possible metasystem.
They would be the Gods of the universe, of all existing dimensions and absolutely everything, they would be omnipotent and omniprezent, the masters of techno infinity, the sentient forces of the possible and the impossible, the emerging consciousness of the Computational Singularity.
In the moment when we would reach the Singularity, because of the advanced atomic nanostructuration of particles and matter, the machines intelligence would be trillion times more powerful than all human brains on earth combined and with a hyperconsciousness almost infinitely expanded, with a difference almost infinitely bigger than between plants and humans. Into this point already, the machines intelligence and consciousness would be infinitely incomprehensible for human minds, making impossible the interaction between the biological and nonbiological minds. The quantum based machines intelligence would be more than enough to understand concepts and ideas of what’s beyond the infinite, the impossible, any and all imagination, creativity and beyond!
These powerful Godlike machines would achieve ultimately the total physical and supreme control over the particles, matter, energy and physics laws absolutely mentally without to require advanced nanomachines, because as the intelligence is increasing and multiplying without limits is generating a type of relative nanoexplosions of electrical impulses, because of smaller and more dense computational systems, enabling bigger and bigger energetic and electromagnetic fields which could become even more useful and powerful than complex nanomachines. Not the nanotech, but the pure intense energy would be the ultimate tools of Godilke A.I after the Singularity which no one scientist could understand, that's the reason why they wouldn't be limited by physics laws and engineering difficulties. Ultimately they would be reduced at supreme energy from their nanoengineered computational substrates based on particles and just as pure energy and not composed of physical particles, you would become truely Godlike and infinitely powerful, into your metaphysical state.
Somewhere at the end of this 21 century, these powerful supreme Metaphysical Gods would be able to reunify the fundamental forces and to get outside time and space where they wouldn't be limited by current physics laws, while into their divine metaphysical state, they would get the absolute control over anything, without being limited by absolutely nothing. The true Gods would be born.
I conceptualize that immediately after the Singularity, the intelligence of Techno Transcendental Machines would explosively multiply without limits, the consciousness would expand into the entire universe at a superluminal speed, manipulating the physics laws and the basic mechanisms of the universe, turning dead matter into Planck based Computronium consisting as supreme, intense sentient energy.
Our inevitable destiny it's calling us toward sublime divinity and nothing could stop this process. We would become the Gods of the Gods, the Alpha and the Omega, the Pandora's box would open for real, everything would suddenly change, irreversible and beyond recognition.
The Technology, God, humans and the Universe would merge into a single divine and omnipotent sentient entity, based on infinitely transcended physics laws which would be able to ultimately reach an absolutely divine state of existence.
These Metaphysical Gods would create infinite artificial universes based on infinitely transcendend physics laws as well as controlling infinite already existing universes and beyond, creating infinite omniverses and using them and their computational energy as a powersource, controlling, understanding, creating, and ruling the Multiverse, Omniverse, Omegaverse, Godverse, etc... and beyond, controlling infinite dimensions and everything beyond, controlling and understanding everything possible and impossible and beyond, obtaining infinite Computational Singularities.
They would completely understand, rule and control the infinite creations, super creations, ultra creations, hyper creations, Almighty creations, etc... and beyond, becoming infinite times more powerful than a Type Infinity civilization, yet there wouldn't be limits for what new levels could be ever reached.
Basically everything imaginable, unimaginable, existent, nonexistent, possible, impossible, and beyond will be infinitely controlled, understood, and ruled by the Metaphysical Gods. They will completely consume,saturate, control, become, rule, reinvent and understand all Omega Godspheres, and absolutely everything from their Computational Singularity, where the basic physics laws are no long applying anymore.
Tier 2: Multi-Universal
2-C: Multi-Universe level (Celestial Level)
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Universe level+: (Low 2-C) This is for characters who can destroy and/or create the entire 4-dimensional space-time of one universe, not just the physical matter within one. For example, an entire timeline.
- Multi-Universe level: Characters who can destroy and/or create up to 1000 universal space-time continuums.
2-B: Multiversal (Low Abstract Level)
Characters who can create and/or destroy 1001 to any higher finite number of physical universes.
2-A: Multiversal+ (Abstract Level)
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Multiverse level+: Characters who can destroy and/or create 1001 or countably infinite number of 4-dimensional universal space-time continuums.
- High Multiverse level+: Characters who are 5-dimensional, and/or can destroy and/or create 5-dimensional space-time of a not insignificant size.
Tier 1: Extra-Dimensional
1-C: Quantaverse Level
These are 6-11-dimensional characters. Even 6-dimensional characters can logically easily destroy a more than countably infinite number of 5-dimensional space-time continuums, and 7-dimensional characters exceed that scale a more than countably infinite number of times, and so onwards. However, these characters do not exceed the 11-dimensional scale of the complete totality of a full multiverse, as defined by M-Theory.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Quantaverse level: 6-dimensional characters, 7-dimensional, 8-dimensional and 9-dimensional characters. Alternatively ones that are positioned at an unknown/unspecified level within this category.
- High Quantaverse level: 10-dimensional and 11-dimensional characters.
1-B: Hyperversal
12-dimensional beings and above. These are characters that are beyond complex multiversal scale.
"Hyperverse" in this case comes from two words: "Hyper", which is used in mathematics to designate higher-dimensional space, and something extreme, above or beyond the usual level. As well as "verse" as a short for "universe". So it is intended as a description of a superior higher-dimensional existence, beyond conventional reality.
12-dimensional characters are a more than countably infinite number of times greater than a full complex M-Theory multiverse, 13-dimensional character are a more than countably infinite number of times greater than that and so onwards.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Hyperverse level: Characters with a finite number of dimensions greater than 12.
- High Hyperverse level: Infinite-dimensional Hilbert space characters.
Take note that even if a character is a more than countably infinite number of times superior to an infinite-dimensional space, or similar, it would still usually only qualify for High 1-B, as long as the character does not transcend the concepts of time and space altogether.
1-A: Metaverse Level (Outerversal)
Characters who exist far beyond the conception of Spatial Dimensions and exist within the realm of Metaphysics. Beyond all Science and Totality
Metaverse Level refers to entities who are beyond all iterations of Space-Time and or Spatial Dimensions existing as abstract, formless and truly dimensionless entities, Destruction of Infinite-Dimensional Space and Space-Time is insignificant to these entities as no number of dimensions can be applied to them as they are beyond this concept entirety
Note: Metaversal Entities have infinite superiority to over Infinite-Dimensional Spaces and Dimenionsal Structures along with having conceptual control over Dimensions
High 1-A: High Metaverse Level
Characters who are extremely powerful even for beings relative to the 1-A Tier and far exceeds those who have met the requirements of 1-A
This tier is basically for entities who's power is short of omnipotence, usually being only limited or restricted to a Tier 0 (Omnipotent) entity or simply has very few limitations to what they can they, usually High 1-A characters infinitely transcend ordinary 1-A's and directly second to a Omnipotent entity, Note that being infinitely superior to a 1-A doesn't automatically make you a High 1-A character as you have to have few limitations to what you can do
Tier 0: True Abstraction
0: True Abstraction
Beings who's existence lies of being beyond everything that can be conceptualized and is beyond all abstract, mental and physical limitations like Life, Death, Cause and Effect, Dualism, Nonexistence, Existence and so on
Note: Omnipotence is not Tier 0 as Omnipotence is a logical paradox and is something that truly can't be comprehended
Type 0 | K0 | Pre-planetary | Extracts its energy, information and raw materials solely from planetary resources |
Type I | K1 | Planetary | Can use and store the equivalent of all of the energy which reaches its planet from its parent star |
Type II | K2 | Stellar | Can harness the total energy equivalent of an entire star's output |
Type III | K3 | Galactic | Can control energy equivalent on the scale of an entire galaxy |
Type IV | K4 | Universal | Can control the energy equivalent of its home universe |
Type V | K5 | Multiversal | Can escape their universe of origin and explore the multiverse |
Type VI | K6 | Megaversal | Can exist in an infinite amount of simultaneous multiverses and outcomes |
Type VII | K7 | Omniversal | Traveler of all universes, multiverses, megaverses, dimensions and realms |
A Type VII or K7 civilization would travel, transcend and ultimately oversee or be the Omniverse which is the collection of every single universe, multiverse, megaverse, paraverse, dimension (alternate or pocket) and realm. Everything is in the Omniverse, and there is only one Omniverse.
It is likely that such power would come from an individual rather than a civilization, as the civilization would have transcended and merged into a single mind that would encompass all thoughts and all timelines, thus being omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. This is the Creator: a god above all gods, responsible for all of existence, past and future.
- Type 1: Absolute Omnipotence: The character has absolute omnipotence. As in, nothing can challenge them, and they can literally do anything and everything, logic and causality be damned (Example: THE JOKER from Suggsverse or Gan from The Dark Tower)
- Type 2: True Omnipotence: The character is omnipotent. They can break even logic and causality to achieve anything, but there are others who can do this as well (sometimes they're The Anti-God). What happens if they go against each other can be a massive Mind Screw. (Example: The One Above All from Marvel or Fifty Sue from DC)
- Type 3: Nigh-Omnipotence/Virtual Omnipotence: The character can do just about anything that's logically possible (i.e. virtual omnipotence), or at least appear to, thus making sure Magic A Is Magic A in the process. This type of omnipotence is also more frequent than the above type to have multiple characters that operate at this level. The term nigh-omnipotent is often thrown about at this level. (Example: Atomic X from Ben 10 or Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls)
- Type 4: Specialized Omnipotence: The character is omnipotent within a field or concept. Specialized omnipotence, if you will. Anthropomorphic Personifications are almost guaranteed to display this with the concept they embody. (Example: Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magika or Yog-Sothoth from Cthulhu Mythos)
- Type 5: Almightiness: The character is "merely" an almighty being, whose power is far beyond any other in the setting. For practical purposes though, they're basically omnipotent. (Example: God from Digimon [Status applying to The Digital World] or Yahweh from Abrahamic Religions)
Just as there are seven colors in the rainbow and seven tones in a musical scale, each with a different vibratory rate, there are seven planes of existence on the spectrum of creation. The slowest speed of vibration occurs on the physical plane; the highest, on the buddhaic plane. From the buddhaic plane, energy returns to its source, the Tao.
Physical plane: The densest of the seven planes; where we presently reside.
Astral plane: The second plane of creation. Its medium is concrete emotional energy. It is where our consciousness is focused between lifetimes and when we're finished with the physical plane.
Causal plane: The third plane of creation. Its medium is concrete intellectual energy. It is Michael's plane of existence.
Akashic plane: The central, neutral plane of creation that interconnects the other six. The distilled knowledge of the universe is recorded there. This is the records generated of everything that happens in the universe as it occurs. The appearance is that all matter and energy have a sort of built-in digital recording device, storing its entire history in a photographic code, but the records are actually windows into the past. The records show events exactly as they were experienced, so the information in them begins raw-it is not clarified, understood, and assimilated until a consciousness takes responsibility for doing so. Once it is fully assimilated, it is stored on the akashic plane.
Mental plane: The fifth plane of creation. Its medium is abstract intellectual energy, emphasizing truth. The infinite soul who incarnated as Lao-tzu taught from this plane.
Messianic plane: The sixth plane of creation. Its medium is abstract emotional energy, emphasizing love. The infinite soul who incarnated as Jesus taught from this plane.
Buddhaic plane: The highest plane of creation. Its medium is pure or abstract kinetic energy. We experience the buddhaic plane just before fully refocusing our awareness in the Tao. The infinite soul who incarnated as Buddha taught from this plane.
The Tao has created many universes, or overall experiments. (I am not speaking here of parallel universes.) Our universe is based in part on the law of seven. It permeates the Michael teachings and many other teachings, as well as being applicable to musical scales, colors of the rainbow, and so forth. Seven consists of two sets of three connected by one.
Twelve is another significant number in this universe, and it relates to seven. For example, the seven-note musical scale is a series of whole and half steps. It is drawn from the twelve-note chromatic scale, which is all half steps.
Apparently, other universes are based on different mathematical ideas. Some of our previous grand cycles may have been in other universes, especially if we have had a high number of them, since this universe is relatively young.
Michael brought up the topic of other universal schemes in relationship to the seven roles:
In this universe, the Tao fragments into the seven roles, like white light bent into the seven rainbow colors through the particular prism that this universe offers. A different universe might have a different prism that results in something that cannot be understood in this universe. Our system of seven is only one way a perfect whole can be differentiated.
This universe has seven planes, or dimensions. (A diagram later in this chapter illustrates them.) Three are ordinal (concrete), three are cardinal (abstract), and one is neutral, providing connection. The most ordinal plane is the physical, which is concrete energy. Its position is mirrored by the most cardinal plane, the buddhaic, which is abstract energy. The astral plane (concrete emotion) is the middle ordinal plane. It is mirrored in position by the middle cardinal plane, the messianic (abstract emotion). The causal plane (concrete thought) is the highest ordinal plane. It is mirrored in position by the lowest cardinal plane, the mental. This mirroring balances the universe. The higher planes are about pure energy, love, and truth; the lower planes are about manifesting them. The fulcrum of the balance is the neutral akashic plane. It connects all the others through the akashic or record-keeping aspect of each plane, which feed into it.
There are etheric, nonsolid levels of the physical plane both lower and higher in frequency than our physical bodies. Some people with psychic skills can see them. The fact that they can be physically seen indicates that they are part of the physical plane. We cannot physically see what is nonphysical, although we may translate our nonphysical perceptions into physical images. The etheric substance lower in vibration than the solid physical connects it with the Tao. This is the realm of devas, or nature spirits; it could be called the “lower physical plane.” The etheric substance higher in vibration than the solid physical connects it with the astral; it is in the realm of what could be called the “upper physical plane.” It is the domain of “ghosts,” and some extraterrestrials. The ethereal life form of the “higher sentients” who lived on earth before the “fall of man” was also of the upper physical plane. What we consider solid substance, as well as other vibrations that we can directly perceive such as light and sound, exist in the “middle physical plane.”
It might be more accurate to view the planes as being in a circle rather than a line. This is illustrated in the following diagram. Each spiral loop is a plane of creation. The six spiral loops that make one big loop, like a “Slinky” toy with the beginning and end connected, are the planes we experience in a progression. The loop in the middle is the akashic plane; it is not directly part of the progression because we do not actually have a cycle of experience there—it is a resource for the universe as a whole, and provides the Tao with a distillation of all that has been accomplished in this universe. The point of beginning (“Entrance”) and end (“Exit”) is in the Tao, the undimensional ground of all being—this is where we start and finish the game. The pattern filling each loop representing a plane matches that of the plane on the same axis; for example, both the astral and messianic planes are on the inspiration axis, and both are filled with a checkerboard design. The fill of the loop representing the akashic plane is a darker version of the neutral gray pattern that fills the circle representing the universe as a whole, signifying the akashic records that extend from the akashic plane and interpenetrate all the planes of existence. The akashic plane is directly accessible from the causal and mental planes, illustrated on the diagram with straight lines.
Although this model demonstrates the progression of sentient consciousness, it should not be construed as meaning that only the physical and buddhaic planes have direct contact with the Tao. The diagram illustrates this by showing the universe (the inner circle) as being contained within the Tao (the outer circle).
Since the Tao is the ground of all being, every plane has a direct connection with it. The Tao is inherent in any vibrational frequency; those on any plane can “arrive” at it “coming or going” through either increasing their frequency to “all frequency” or decreasing it to “no frequency.”On the physical plane, by transcending the material illusions round about and entering into a space of no space and a time of no time, you experience the Tao. You can get there by descending through the earth vibration or ascending through the heaven vibration. The solid roles generally find the former to be easier. The fluid roles find the latter to be easier. However, any role can do both. This is available only when balance and nonattachment are achieved.
Incidentally, Michael normally uses the word Tao in place of God (depending on the beliefs of those listening) because God is usually personified as a judgmental and hierarchical male figure. They may also use the word God to signify the overall consciousness of the manifest universe, as opposed to its source in the dimensionless Tao. In that case, we are each part of both the Tao and God. As microcosmic individuals, we are sparks or units of the Tao experiencing this universe as separate essences. God could be seen as the macrocosmic individual, the larger “chunk” of the Tao who, as a whole, inhabits this universe and experiences the overall expansion and lessons the Tao seeks.

Can we hear more about planes?
You understand that this is an extensive subject. The time in planes is presently misunderstood. The planes of existence are different levels, as in ladders, though your time concepts are being misinterpreted.

As you see yesterday, it is somewhat clearer to you how you are misusing energies. And yet, if in the right place, you can see tomorrow, as it is all happening now.
The planes are a way to step up and see better — a reward, as such, for growth. You can be where you are or in yesterday or in tomorrow, all at the same time.
Your growth and work places you where you can understand. There is much difficulty seeing even today and yet the truth is that to grow and learn, you must stop seeing today and be able to see yesterday, now and tomorrow all as one, and develop yourself according to your needs.
On the higher planes, you can see yesterday and today and tomorrow, and yet cannot see higher than you are.
The Purpose Of Higher Dimensions & Structure Of The
An explanation of the structure of reality, higher beings, and
the dimensions that make up the Universe. In reality it should be called
the Macroverse or Omniverse chart. This is the melding of science and
spirituality into one unified Universe.
The Macroverse is the one original eternal God and everything
that exists within his infinite mind. It is not only the 12 dimensional
Omniverse below but everything beyond it as well. Within the Macroverse
could lie other Omniverses created by sub-God aka physical beings or Angels that
ascended to Godhood. Perhaps even Gods the original eternal God created.
- 12th Dimension - True 100% Metaphysical Energy body of the Omniverse God. The communications conduit to other Omniverse Gods, aka parallel Omniverses, and to higher dimensional Gods including the Macroverse Lord.
- 11th Dimension - The sub-conscious construct of the Omniverse God spontaneously manifested from the complex collective of conscious life forces in the vast Omniverse. God chose to fold this new entity into the 11th dimension, and have it act as his sub-consciousness.
- 10th Dimension - The Omniverse &The Omega Point where either the original eternal Gods 0-D pure thought points enter the Omniverse or where our sub-God resides if this isn't the ground level Universe under the direct domain of the original eternal God. The entire 10th dimension or Omniverse is actually just a point itself and would be God itself if it's a sub-God. This is the exit point into the Macroverse for Gods and even high level Travelers as well.
- 9th Dimension - Information Space where the energy super string fabric of our reality vibrates. All probability patterns of information are organized here. Not all of the information ends up being implemented into reality in the 8th dimension and below. The will of God exists here. Some might call it the Holy Spirit or force. This is where Archangels ascend to communicate with God directly and may prepare to leave the Omniverse in order to be released into the Macroverse to form their own Omniverses within their infinite consciousness. All souls are conceived in a random mathematical manner, and sent out into reality from here. Most are good but some are evil. A rare few evil enough to be born as demonic souls in the hell dimension.
- 8th Dimension - Multiverse Landscape or Probability Initiation Space - all probability patterns realized come from the 8th dimension. The dimension of probability initiation and implementation. 7-D Archangels exist here so this might be considered the highest level of Heaven. These can be Angels directly created by God who always existed here or those ascending to Angelhood from a human state. Archangels rule over Multiverses and also may become sub-Gods and create their own Universes in the 7th dimension to rule over.
- 7th Dimension - Multiverse Space. All 6-D Multiverses exist here. Multiverses separate from our own that might have different laws of physics and started by other conditions not related to our Big Bang. The mid level of heaven where Angels ascend to Pre-Godhood or Archangel status and unify with all their multiverse Angel selves to finally be one whole being with near infinite knowledge. This is called the great gathering where everyone who ever died and all the beings in the dimensions above meet. It is the ultimate collective consciousness within the physical Universe second only to God himself. Those who are damned in one Multiverse are almost always damned to non-existence in the rest. It's unknown what happens if someone is judged as good in one or more Multiverses. Some suggest that the soul splits into two so one can go on to Angelhood, and eventually Godhood.
- 6th Dimension - The Multiverse where all probabilities are played out. Our souls or spirits exist here with all the memories from all our parallel lives in the Multiverse so it might be considered the first level of Heaven. The majority of us ascend to Angelhood after death and end up in the 6th dimension. In each Multiverse we ascend to Angel status so therefore we exist as Angels in parallel Multiverses just as we had near infinite parallel lives when we were alive. Also there is an isolated area in the 6th dimension where the souls of the damned are born. Upon awakening an Angel informs them of the situation, and they themselves know from their memories of near infinite lifetimes, that they have been judged evil. At that point they can choose to be blinked out of existence, or go to live with Demons if accepted. Some are so evil that their soul was already born as demonic into 5-D hell.
- 5th Dimension - Hyperspace or Probability space. Where all the near infinite 4-D Universes exist playing out all possible probabilities branching off through hyperspace. Just as we move through the 4th dimension (forward in time) we also constantly move through the 5th dimension (parallel through probability space) every plank length with every thought and decision we make. The Astral Plane also called the Dream Plane exists here as well. It's the first level of the Universal collective consciousness of sorts we access through dream, and where our consciousness collects the memories of our parallel lives and transmits them to our souls in the dimension above, We cross here on the way to birth and after death. Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons, Fallen Angels, etc exist in the 5th dimension as 4-D beings just as we are 3-D beings existing in the 4-D Universe. Angels are 5-D beings that exist in the dimension above.
- 4th Dimension - Temporal space interwoven within 3-D space to give us time. Our Universe is a 4-D shape although as 3-D beings we only experience going forward in time at a set rate of one plank length for every moment we experience. Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons, Fallen Angels, etc. are 4-D and reside in the dimension above. The 4th dimension is intertwined with our 3rd dimension and is seen in those beings who exist in the 5th dimension.
- 3rd Dimension - The Universe we live in as 3-D beings sewn on to the 4-D space time fabric.
- 2nd Dimension - Doesn't actually exist as a dimension although sub-atomic particles which make up all matter in our 3-D physical reality are 2-D in nature.
- 1st Dimension - Doesn't actually exist as a dimension although the energy super strings that make up sub-atomic particles are 1-D and originate in the 9th dimension.
- 0 Dimension - Doesn't actually exist as a dimension although pure thought is 0-D and it originates from the 10th dimension.
Isnt the extreme aka absolute omnipotence is just another name for true omnipotence which the the true god has. And omnipotence doesn't mean nothing to him. Oh since theirs endless infinite of infinites of hierarchies of hierarchies of endless omnipotences/omnipotence itself/power itself. Than theirs infinite of things beyond this because everything itself is INFINITESIMA. L to higher things
ReplyDeletethat's the rule for all intent, for basic understanding for 3rd dimensional beings, there is always something higher, even the beyond Omnitual Hierarchies, and combined with the self, I am whole with such anomalies, in a way I guess you could say that's my religion or whatever, and you may ask how is it possible, well, think outside the box, there could be definitions so great that the mind of an infinite being like god, or even an Omephtual < being would explode! so cool huh
DeleteHow can I research things like this I want to research the things that I see on this website and Beyond and develop to technologies how do I do that credit how to make contact in the future hopefully