Saturday, October 14, 2017

Timeline to 2099

2025 - 2035
1. nanofactories (unlimited material wealth, post scarcity era)
2. driverless cars
3. self flying cars
4. passenger travel to any location on earth in an hour or less, plus maglev travel
5. truly photo realistic graphics
6. web 5.0, ubiquitous computing
7. computing power equivalent to 1,000 human brains
8. brain/computer interfaces (connect ones brain directly to the cloud, this will allow seemingly unlimited intelligence, power, psychological power, ability, and happiness beyond comprehension!)
9. non biological bodies (1. ageless, disease/sick free, impervious to bullets, knives, fire, lightning, poison, viruses, grenades, missile strikes, lava, etc.., self cleaning/ 2. omnifarious bodies that can take in any form regardless/ 3. virtual reality!/ 4. infinite superpowers and super abilities, ex. invisibility, matter and energy manipulation, intangibility, teleportation, etc.../ 5. mind/body shifting/ 6. vast superhuman intelligence, wisdom, power, focus, memory, senses, psychological power, energy, happiness, optimism, etc... think millions of times faster than humans)

2035 - 2045
1. ubiquitous super advanced nanotechnology
2. ubiquitous super advanced holographic/augmented reality technologies
3. super advance genetic engineering (create life forms)
4. computers a billion times more powerful than all human brains combined
5. non biological intelligence will be billions of times more powerful than biological intelligence

1. the whole universe becomes a giant supercomputer, with all the matter and energy being saturated with intelligence by god like A.I. (this would permit unlimited mastery and control over the entire universe), this would make infinitely intelligent and powerful computers, AI, and posthumans, just imagine the mega divine capabilities of quintillions upon quintillions upon quintillions of planet sized computers or quintillions upon quintillions upon quintillions of sun sized computers (matrioshka brains), tens of billions upon billions of galaxy sized computers, all in unison, to give a rough idea in computation, a piece of rock is already trillions upon trillions of times the intelligence of humans!

Things get interesting from here!

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