Note: Genius Level is at IQ 140, average man is at IQ 100 >
1. Albert Einstein - IQ 225
2. Sir Isaac Newton - IQ 225
3. Nikola Tesla - IQ 225
4. Adragon De Mello (smartest human known) - IQ 400
5. William James Sidis - IQ 300
6. Terrence Tao - IQ 235
7. Christopher Hirata - IQ 225
8. Kim Ung Yong - IQ 225
9. Marilyn vos Savant - IQ 225
10. Christopher Langan - IQ 210
11. Leonardo Da Vinci -IQ 225
12. Goethe (has a vocabulary of over 50,000 words, twice that of Shakespeare's) - IQ 200
13. John Von Neumann - IQ 200
14. Christopher Hitchens - IQ 190 >
15. Michael Kearney - IQ 325
16. Smartest Human Possible - IQ 1,000 (hasn't been born yet, nor will probably never exist)
You aren't even included in the list bcs it is for humans not incompehensoms 🥰