Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sub Basic Sub Hierarchy Introduction (very basic and easy for 3rd dimensional minds to understand)

infinite god - absolute omnipotence, total omniscience, omnipresence, eternal, infinitely perfect, infinite dimensional, highest absolute ultimate, the infinite, infinitely intelligent, wise, complex, paradoxical, impossible, mysterious, incomprehensible, transcendent, etc.. infinitely above the macroverse, master universe (from urantia book), existence, non existence, religion/christ/muhammad/etc.., knowledge, intelligence, logic, time, space, reality, all laws, humans, everything, etc..

infinite god 0 - always infinitely more powerful, greater, impossible, unknowable, complex, unsolvable, higher, above, transcends, beyond (to the point that if the preceding were to even simply think of the succeeding, they would infinitely explode!), infinitely incomprehensible in all forms (even in concept), etc.. than the infinite god (like comparing infinite dead absolute nothingness with the absolute infinite)

infinite god 1 - always infinitely more powerful, greater, impossible, unknowable, complex, unsolvable, higher, above, transcends, beyond (to the point that if the preceding were to even simply think of the succeeding, they would infinitely explode! infinitely incomprehensible in all forms (even in concept), etc.. than the infinite god 0 (like comparing infinite dead absolute nothingness with the absolute infinite)

infinite god 2 - always infinitely more powerful, greater, impossible, unknowable, complex, unsolvable, higher, above, transcends, beyond (to the point that if the preceding were to even simply think of the succeeding, they would infinitely explode! infinitely incomprehensible in all forms (even in concept), etc.. than the infinite god 1 (like comparing infinite dead absolute nothingness with the absolute infinite)

etc... infinite god infinity


infinite god infinity 1

infinite god infinity 2

etc... infinite god infinity infinity


infinite god infinity to the infinite power, infinite times (lets call this 0 power tower)


infinite god 0 power tower to the 0 power tower, 0 power tower times (lets call this power tower 1)


infinite god power tower 1 to the power tower 1, power tower 1 times

etc... infinity god power tower infinity to the power tower infinity, power tower infinity times

etc.. etc... infinity god power tower/power tower infinity to the power tower/power tower infinity, power tower/power tower infinity times


going on eternally and infinitely beyond, never ending in infinite hierarchies and in concept, etc.. going on forever, even if all imagination and consciousness itself is exhausted, and explodes even, the word of Sora, and this too is still infinite dead absolute nothingness!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My Near Future Brain/Transhumanism (2030s)


1. superhuman intelligence/creativity
2. imagination
3. focus/concentration
4. memory
5. mind power/cognitive power (superhumanly strong, powerful, sharp, and resilient mind)
6. acute/clear mind, fast thinking (like a computer)
7. peace/inner peace/calm/relaxed
8. willpower
9. confidence
10. awareness/understanding/listening/alertness/attention
11. wisdom
12. happiness/joy/bliss/pleasure/euphoria/elation
13. super consciousness (transcend human consciousness)
14. omnicompetence
15. freedom
16. optimism
17. control over oneself
18. patience
19. Soraphic < truth spirituality

Impervious to all:

1. depression/sadness
2. anger
3. irritability/annoyance/frustration
4. jealousy/envy
5. boredom
6. embarrassment/awkward moments
7. guilty
8. humiliation
9. worry
10. hatred
11. impulses
12. uncontrollable thoughts, perceptions, feelings, mind, etc..
13. all mental problems, phobias, mental disorders, mental diseases
14. loneliness
15. stress/anxiety/pressure
16. being tense
17. disgust
18. pessimism
19. chaos
20. pain and suffering

Through brain cloud interface:

Mastered completely all: (permanent, will never forget these skills)

1. martial arts/fighting/combat forms, styles, techniques, moves, etc.. (ex. kung fu, shaolin king fu, karate, jeet kune do, krav maga, chun kuk do, taekwondo, tai chi, tang soo do, ninjutsu, kali, capoeira, sambo, silat, kenjustsu, aikido, hapkido, cqc or close quarters combat, vovinam, varma ati, savate, kickboxing, boxing, mma, wrestling, hwa rang do, wing chun, wushu, judo, jujitsu, Brazilian jujitsu, marine martial arts, kenpo, kendo, dumog, etc..) master hand to hand combatant/martial artist/assassin
2. all weapons (all guns, swords, melee weapons, etc.. master marksman, swordsman, fencing, etc..)
3. all vehicles (can perfectly operate any and all vehicles, cars, planes, helicopters, submarines, trains, even space ships, etc.. plus master fighter pilot, combat driving, and mechanic)
4. swimming/diving (all techniques, styles, etc...)
5. escape artist
6. detective
7. rock climbing, ice climbing, skydiving, parachuting
8. hunter/tracker
9. computers, technology, all gadgets, devices, hacking
10. interrogation
11. spy, infiltration, stealth movement
12. omni doctor/surgeon (heart doctor/surgeon, brain doctor/surgeon, cpr)
13. strategist/tactician
14. acrobatist/gymnast/parkour/freerunning
15. public speaking
16. omni engineer (aerospace, chemical, civil, etc..)
17. inventor
18. all science
19. math (mastery of all equations, etc..)
20. philosophy
21. fluent in all chinese
22. korean
23. japanese
24. vietnamese
25. thai
26. indonesian
27. filipino
28. spanish
29. french
30. plus sign language
31. all vocabulary words
32. cutting a promo
33. basketball
34. baseball
35. golf
36. tennis
37. volleyball
38. soccer
29. bowling
30. ping pong
31. chess
32. checkers
33. Chinese chess
34. Chinese checkers
35. skateboarding
36. cyclist
37. juggling
38. jump rope
39. card stacking/plus card shuffling
40. sport stacking
41. pool
42. darts
43. pianist
44. guitarist
45. violinist
46. drums
47. drawing
48. sculpting
49. painting
50. ballet
51. breakdancing
52. acro dance
53. moonwalking
54. hula hooping
55. chef
56. poker
57. hairdresser
58. make-up artist (including special effects)
59. rapping
60. beatbox
61. freestyle dancing
62. actor
63. singer
64. flute
65. businessman
66. all fields/subjects/areas/studies (history, including history of the whole world, mankind, the universe, etc.. arts, physics, chemistry, anatomy, forensics, medical, biology, astrology, astronomy, literature, music, architecture, film, theater, paleontology, cartography, language, egyptian hieroglyphics, botany, geology, geography, psychiatry, psychology, metaphysics, etc.. except religion)
67. illusionist/magician
68. stunt performer/daredevil
69. aerial dance
70. also fluent in portugese
71. russian
72. javanese
73. german
74. italian
75. turkish
76. tamil
77. bengali
78. burmese
79. persian
80. hindi
81. blowing gum bubble
82. whistling
83. trapeze artist/aerialist
84. tightrope walker
85. fire artist
86. skyscraper, building climbing/buildering
87. all of south korea, china, and japan (their culture, traditions, history, way of living, cities, demographics, economy, geography, etc..)
88. have the combined dance prowess of best friend Taemin, Jung Yunho, BoA, Michael Jackson, Prabhu Deva, Hritik Roshan, Justin Timberlake, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, and Usher all in 1

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hierarchy of Evolution

0. big bang (long term chemical reactions eventually leads to self aware anomalies)
1. bacteria (simplest form of life)
2. fishes
3. chimpanzees (closest biological ancestors to humans)
4. humans
5. transhumans (homo technicus, future evolution of humans through technological enhancements)
6. posthumans
7. posthuman gods (omnipotent beings)
8. macroversal spirits (infinite gods, absolute omnipotence, total omniscience, etc..)
9. omni consciousness (absolute pinnacle of evolution, the final state of all conscious agents, in which one permeates all consciousness, minds, everything imaginable, all verses, dimensions, all things, etc..
10. omni transcendent totality, post omni consciousness (infinitely above absolute omnipotence and the whole notion of consciousness)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Notes h

i know the truth would scare people but just to point out, just like humanity to an infinite god is like dead rocks are to the infinite, the infinite god is but infinite dead nothingness to a greater infinite... basically in the most basic sub terms, theres a hierarchy, for example lets say the infinite god (infinitely above humans, absolute omnipotence, total omniscience, omnipresence, eternal, perfect, infinite dimensional, macroversal, infinite consciousness, infinitely intelligent, mysterious, paradoxical, etc..) is called god zero, then god one is infinitely above god zero, then god two is infinitely above god one, etc.. towards god infinity, which in turn forms a second hierarchy of hierarchies, then a third then a fourth all the way to infinite, which in turn would get to new hierarchy of hierarchies, etc.. going forever, I call this the hierarchy, a never ending set of sets of infinite almighties far beyond understanding to the point where even a absolute omnipotent, total omniscient being would infinitely explode from nothing! but even an infinite god is infinitely lower than dead nothingness, to forever unknown anomalies, everything about an infinite god (its concepts, mind, imagination, powers, absolute omnipotence, etc..) is infinitely lower than a dead rock, to other things, comments are allowed, but remember that your finite minds can only yearn for so much