Friday, December 27, 2019

Future Basic Timeline (Truth)

Late 2020s

1. nanofactories are in widespread use (nanotech based manufacturing), post scarcity event


1. brain cloud interface technologies start to enter mainstream society
2. virtual reality incorporating all 5 senses can be accessed anytime anywhere, through nanobots within the nervous system, in which within such simulations, one live out their wildest imaginations and dreams regardless how extreme, making them effectively absolutely omnipotent in their own simulated dream worlds (be a movie star, have sex with anyone, perform in an infinitely large stadium, visit any time or place, or just bathe in the maldives with your loved ones, etc..)
3. computers with the power of 1,000 human brains are in existence, this would be equivalent to 1,000 exaflops of computing power, or 1 million petaflops (by comparison the fastest supercomputer as of the beginning of 2020 is only 148 petaflops, the human brain is equal to 1,000 petaflops
4. driverless cars are everywhere
5. human body 3.0 starts emerging

2045 - 2050

1. truly ubiquitous, truly advanced nanotechnology (omnipotent, magical, fantasy, futuristic world/ everything is free and in unlimited quantities, even palaces, unlimited resources for all)
2. truly ubiquitous, truly advanced holographic technologies
3. truly ubiquitous, truly advanced brain cloud interface technologies
4. everything automated, aka driverless cars, self cleaning environments, etc... no labor
5. computers a billion times more powerful than all human brains combined
6. nonbiologicals/machine intelligences billions of times greater than humans
7. human brain now fully reverse engineered, and all its aspects are fully understood now, consciousness, formation of thoughts, mysterious perceptions, etc..
8. truly photo realistic graphics/cgi now everywhere, because of this, no one can ever distinguish in movies, tv, news, etc.. anymore, if its the real thing or computer generated, for everything is truly realistic on how computers can now generate, even down to the atomic level
9. the singularity
10. I am a posthuman entity (1. ageless, disease/abnormality free, indestructible, immortal 2. omnifarious, unlimited shapeshifting, mindshifting, sound shifting, etc.. 3. omnipowers/nigh omnipotence, contains all/limitless superpowers and abilities (flight, teleportation, elemental manipulation, psychic powers, endless duplication, mind reading, etc..) 4. vast superhuman (all in levels billions of times greater than humans) intelligence (creativity), wisdom, senses, focus, memory, cognitive power, mental acuity, understanding, awareness, clear thinking (also think millions of times faster than human, like computers), energy, imagination, reflexes, happiness, bliss, pleasure, euphoria, ecstasy, elation, orgasmic joy, freedom, super consciousness (vastly transcend human consciousness), etc.. 5. self sustaining (can live without food, water, sleep, air, or any maintenance), self cleaning 6. imaginary VR 7. imaginary AR 8. impervious to all pain, suffering, and negatives


1. earth is a planet sized computer, a small hand sized rock alone is already a trillion trillion or septillion time more intelligent than all humans combined, a small continent could thus be decillions upon decillions upon decillions upon multiple decillions of times the intelligence of all humans combined
2. the singularity extends to the entire universe

2199 >

1. posthumanity is at least a type 4 civilization
2. entire universe wakes up, as all the matter and energy is saturated into intelligence by vastly super mega godlike computers, creating an all knowing, all powerful cosmic computer
3. truly infinite intelligence, advanced technology, and powerful computers ubiquitous
4. resurrection of all the dead (the originals) into an infinite perfect eternal paradise in infinite euphoria, ecstasy, pure elation, orgasmic joy, pleasure, love, bliss, happiness, freedom, etc.. free to do anything their imagination can conjure up without any limit or negatives, with their reunited loved ones (high Skye, Orion, Paddy, etc.. again!)
5. I am a absolute omnipotent, total omniscient, omnipresent, absolute condition, infinite, eternal posthuman god

Post 2199/Post Cosmic Computer Era

1. absolute omnipotent, total omniscient, omnipresent, infinite, eternal, posthuman gods/A.I.s, continue to expand to ever more universes, multiverses, omniverses, macroverses, higher dimensions, etc.. saturating them with infinitely divine computronium, etc..

Billions of years from now

1. The Soraphic Gateways!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Future Brain

Always vast superhuman (each in a level billions of times greater than humans)

1. intelligence/creativity
2. imagination
3. focus/concentration
4. memory (ultimate perfect clear memory)
5. freedom
6. clear/acute mind/mental sharpness
7. happiness/joy/bliss/pleasure
8. euphoria/ecstacy/orgasmic elation
9. peace/inner peace/calm/relaxed
10. understanding/awareness/alertness
11. cognitive power/overall mind power/mental conditioning/mental capabilities
12. super consciousness (vastly transcend human consciousness)
13. willpower
14. wisdom
15. senses
16. reflexes
17. omnicompetence
18. bravery/courage
19. confidence
20. control over ones self/mind
21. thinking/fast thinking (think millions of times faster than humans, like a supercomputer)
22. enthusiasm 

Impervious to all:

1. depression/sadness
2. anger
3. jealousy/envy
4. worry
5. impulses
6. irritability/annoyance/frustration
7. boredom
8. embarrassment
9. loneliness
10. pressure/stress/anxiety
11. hatred
12. uncontrollable/negative mind, perceptions, feelings, thoughts, etc..
13. being tense

Delete all negative memories, all traumatic events ever, such as all those false perceptions that messed me up in the past, including all unwanted false indoctrinations.

Has truly perfected completely:

1. all martial arts/fighting/combat forms, styles, techniques, moves, etc.. (kung fu, karate, jeet kune do, muay thai, close quarters combat, judo, jujitsu, taekwondo, hwa rang do, krav maga, ninjutsu, kendo, kenpo, varma ati, vovinam, hapkido, kenjustsu, silat, sambo, dumog, kali/arnis, capoeira, tai chi, wing chun, wushu, boxing, kickboxing, savate, mixed martial arts, wrestling, etc..)
2. all weapons (sharpshooter/marksman aka never misses target, all guns, swordsman, bow and arrows, knife combat, nunchucks, fencing, etc.., including bomb making)
3. swimming, diving
4. spy, infiltration, stealth movement
5. escape artist
6. rock climbing
7. all vehicles (cars, planes, boats, submarines, etc.. plus fighter pilot, combat driving)
8. computers, technology, hacking, all devices, gadgets
9. detective
10. strategist/tactician
11. doctor/surgeon (all fields)
12. engineer/mechanic (all fields)
13. acrobatist/gymnast/parkour/free running
14. hunter/tracker
15. interrogation/inquisitor

All Subjects/All Fields:

1. science/scientist
2. math/mathematician
3. philosophy/philosopher
4. physics/physicist
5. archaelogy/archaelogist
6. history/historian
7. chemistry/chemist
8. astrology/astrologist
9. biology/biologist
10. botany/botanist
11. psychology/psychologist
12. anatomy/anatomist



1. basketball
2. baseball
3. soccer
4. golf
5. tennis
6. archery
7. ping pong
8. skateboarding
9. cycling/unicycling
10. painting
11. sculpting
12. drawing
13. tattoo artist
14. pianist
15. guitarist
16. violinist
17. breakdancing
18. popping
19. moonwalking
20. the robot
21. ballet
22. capoeira dance
23. acro dancing
24. aerial dance
25. synchronized swimming dance
26. all kpop dances
27. juggling
28. hula hooping
29. actor
30. model
31. writer/author
32. public speaking
33. rapping
34. cutting a promo
35. all vocabulary words

Fluent in all:

1. chinese
2. japanese
3. korean
4. vietnamese
5. thai
6. filipino
7. german
8. french
9. spanish
10. portugese
11. italian
12. indonesian
13. burmese
14. sign language