~ Nanotechnology of an Intelligence Explosion ~
By "Colin Lovasz" ~Beware Power Inside~
At the beginning of time, right after the Big Bang, when extreme energy levels fused into the first quarks, held together by gluons inside the nucleus which later composed the protons and neutrons, all existing forms of matter and physical systems from the universe are depending by the mode into which the particles are structured and organized, with all atomic and subatomic systems governed by complex physics laws and quantum mechanics and biology by it's genetic software, molecularly constructing biological systems.
To gain the supreme control over all these physical systems composing absolutely everything on our universe, with advanced nanomechanisms and nanomachines based on complex nanorobotics and nanomechatronics highly distributed by quantum computing systems would posess the ability to literally reconstruct our bodies, human civilization and our entire planet from the atomic and molecular scales, so that all existing particles would be restructured and reorganised into advanced, computational, molecular nanomachinery and later, moving at femtotechnology to quarks based engineered femtomachinery with the maximizing ability of multiplying at an exponential rate as all technologies are progressing toward greater efficiency.
Nanotechnology into an advanced stage would represent the most powerful technology on the planet and the single way toward a possible Technological Transcendence.
The entire future would be shaped by the ability of superorganising particles and restructuring matter at the fundamental scales, replacing almost all existing technologies of fabrication and providing a massive progress into extremely short periods of time.
The current and latest technology, fifth paradigm (the integrated circuit) which is progressing under moore's law, miniaturizing the electronic circuits and multiplying exponentially the transistors rate, utilising a process called photolithography, etching circuits on silicon wafers, belongs literally to stone age.
The fabrication of an integrated circuit (IC) requires a variety of physical and chemical processes performed on a semiconductor, silicon substrate, while in general, the various processes used to make an IC, fall into three categories such as film deposition, patterning, and semiconductor doping, which is not only primitive compared to nanotechnology, but expensive and extremely hard to produce.
It's the equivalent of stone writing and yet into most complicated possible mode. Yes, today technology, based on the fifth paradigm is a big shit. In the case of semiconductor lithography (also called photolithography) our stones are silicon wafers and our patterns are written with a light sensitive polymer called a photoresist.
To build the complex structures that make up a transistor and the many wires that connect the millions of transistors of a circuit, lithography and etch pattern transfer steps are repeated at least 20 to 30 times to make one circuit.
All these techniques are so primitive in fact, barbarian and crude, by far, too inferior compared to our biological nanosystems and nanostructures with the molecular machinery based on very complex nanomechanics and nanomotors guided by the computation on four nucleotides assembling biological systems at the atomic and molecular precission.
Our whole biology is resuming at complex hierarchical interaction between threedimensional, micro and nanoscale structures in order of creating functional biochemical living systems.
In order of reaching and surpassing our technology the full range of biological complexity and transcending our biology, we need to operate very precise at fundamental scales of existence, we need to build trillion times more complex and advanced atomic and molecular systems than those biological, and for this we need massively distributed advanced nanorobotics into it's last stage, with the speed and computational precission of macroscale machines.
In order of getting to advanced nanotechnology we first need atomically precise manufacturing, while there are many approaches to atomically precise manufacturing, molecular nanotechnology would involve combining physical principles demonstrated by biophysics, chemistry, other nanotechnologies, and the molecular machinery of life with the systems engineering principles found in modern macroscale factories, so we must use first our primitive ways of constructing technology to develop different tools and nanorobotic mechanisms which to assemble the first simple machines which to create yet more complex and capable machines which to be integrated into functional nanofactories and matter replicators.
Creating more complex tools which would create even more complex tools with ever more advanced nanorobotic capabilities, in parallel, and so on, where combined with molecular self replication, mimicking the abilities of biological systems, all sorts of advanced nanomachines and molecular technologies could multiply exponentially, while ultimately in just few days we would have enough nanomachines with swarm like capability consuming matter and redesigning our whole planet and later the solar system, atom by atom and molecule by molecule, literally, we're going to control an engineered grey goo like capability.

Forces such as gravity and inertia have much less influence over matter at the nanoscale than they are doing at larger scales. Unlike today macroscale factories, when dealing with very few or individual atoms, it becomes possible to manipulate them extremely quickly, perhaps a million or even a billion times per second. A robotic arm a meter in length can only move just few times per second at most, before the force of inertia is becoming too strong, but a robotic nanoarm just a few nanometers in length can pick up and position individual atoms or molecules extremely fast. Enough such massively parallel systems would be able to produce large, atomically precise products in just few minutes, doesn't matter how complex they are. The geometric progression of nanomechanisms holds the key to bridging the vast divide between the nano and macro realms.
The interacting atomic and molecular structures are representing the internal software on which the dead matter and our biology are functioning.
Taking the viruses for example, it's so fantastic that these pieces of biological software, are infiltrating into the human body and are multiplying exponentially, utilising your immune system, billion cells getting infected in relative short amount of time by these exponential self replicating biological nanomachines. They are self replicating so fast that from two or four, they get at thousands, then billions, trillions, etc relatively fast as the processes of self replication is happening in parallel, at an exponential rate, until your entire body with it's almost every cell is infected by these pieces of genetic code, the great viruses, "the bigger brothers of computer viruses attacking biological hardware."
Techno Transcendental entities and godlike AIs, would reorganise and distribute the particles into complex computational TechnoViruses based technology. They would literally infect biological bodies and the matter arround us with nonbiological viruses, turning all atomic and molecular structures into their sentient software.
Virus based technology would exponentially infuse matter with nonbiological consciousness, ultimately waking up the entire universe to life. This nonbiological nano and femtoengineered Viruses would multiply on the planet as are multiplying the biological viruses inside our body, with only difference that here not only biological systems but the matter itself would be computationally infected.
Because of this massively parallel, exponential molecular self replication, the entire earth composed of random particle hierarchies of dead matter could be turned into sentient software in a matter of hours relatively, where these processes of molecular self replication would go further, spreading from earth into the cosmos, with more and more matter exponentially nanoengineered the entire universe would gradually wake up to life, with more and more matter being converted into these self replicating nonbiological technoviruses.
How inside our today precise factories we are using different computer controlled machines and robots guided by computer programs to assemble, electronics, cars and many other different objects, which you see let's say on discovery channel, at how it's made, the same we would do at the atomic and molecular scale with advanced nanotechnology. Computer guided nanomachines and nanomechanisms could assemble and arrange the individual atoms and molecules into any desired structure at the atomic precission, building structures at the atomic and molecular scale as complex and precise as biological systems or even at a higher complexity and density.
We will have to use some form of massive parallelism of exponential construction. For instance a single robotic arm would take forever to build a few billion cores CPU, just as an example, so we'll need trillion upon trillion robotic arms and nanomechanisms working together in parallel to construct any existing physical object in less than few minutes. My general approach is to follow nature's example and design and construct self replicating systems based on the same principles as the biological nanosystems.
I'm also proposing convergent assembly where multiple parts could be assembled using robotic manufacturing systems, and then those larger parts would be passed along to bigger robotic manufacturing systems. Progressively larger parts are handled by progressively larger robotic arms, letting convergent assembly rapidly manufacture large objects, starting from small components, atomic and molecular in dimension, to macroscopic objects.
I predict that convergent assembly must be the dominant approach used in future atomic manufacturing systems. Convergent assembly offers the optimum way to precisely build large components from small parts extremly fast.
Fruits or veggies for example, along with all nature from the planet are made by intricate molecular machines involving tens of thousands of genes, proteins, and other molecular components, so they are self replicating, yet limited by the maximum capacity of biological systems writed into their genome.
Into biological organisms, for instance, enzymes are molecular machines that make, break, and rearrange the atomic bonds, holding other molecules together, and the DNA actually serves as a data storage system for biological automatas, transmitting digital instructions to molecular machines, the ribosomes, that manufacture protein molecules. And these protein molecules, in turn, make up most of the molecular machinery. I recognise the ribosome as both the computer and the construction machine of biological computronium, but biology does not use centralized data storage, but provides the entire code to every cell from body.
Biology's local data storage is, of course, the DNA strands, broken into specific genes on the chromosomes. The task of instruction masking (blocking genes that do not contribute to a particular cell type) is controlled by the short RNA molecules and peptides that govern gene expression as we know it.
Biological systems are limited to building systems from proteins, which has profound limitations in complexity, density, strength and speed compared to future artificial nanostructured and femtostructured systems.
We need to create massively parallel nanorobotic assembly nanofactories and all sorts of nanomachines based on molecular self replication of many biological nanosystems, where to assemble atom by atom and molecule by molecule any desired structure at maximum density and complexity allowed by physics laws.
A matter replicator or nanofactory should be able to fabricate its own advanced systems, including more nanofactories exponentially, in just a few minutes, if not faster, depends by how much assemblers are used simultaneously.
Artificial intelligence with computational performance and infinitely expanded consciousness could in theory speed development of nanotechnology, and to achieve automatically omnipotent control over all existing matter, but this i predict to come after the creation of advanced nanofactories, because it is assumed that atomic precission nanofactories would be required for the precise assamblation of the nonbiological brains which to infinitely surpass the complexity and density of biochemical neurosynaptic structure capable of molecular computation in three dimensions.
It would be possible to build matter replicators and desktop scale nanofactories capable of inexpensively producing extremely complex products at the atomic precision, such as a hundred billion cores CPU laptop or a trillion times more powerful computer than all human brains on earth as those computing systems would be nanoengineered at the atomic density and complexity, right at the maximum limits of physics laws.
Because machine motions on the nanometer scale are a million times more rapid than comparable machine motions on human scale, and because the atoms are assembled into a hierarchical manner, complex products made from trillions of trillions of atoms could be assembled in just minutes.
One product of a nanofactory would be immediately another nanofactory, this enabling massive exponential manufacturing. The first nanofactory can be programmed to build a new one, and those two, would build other four which would build eight, and in just a few minutes we could have already thousand nanofactories. Less than a month after that, trillions of nanofactories could produce thousands of tons of products, including exponentially more nanofactories per minute.
Because the macroscopic physical and biological systems contain such complex and dense structures, trillions of nanomachines could work together in parallel to assemble relatively fast the real products.
Quantum computing programs could relativly use these nanomachines to assemble the atoms into other machines and those would create others and so one, etc, multiplying these nanomachines exponentially that into a relatively short period of time we should have enough machines to restructure all existing matter surrounding us, superorganising all existing particles to nanoengineered functional Computronium.
I conceptualize that immediately after the creation of a molecular assembler, with such a single molecular assembler programmed for self replication, constructing many copies of itself, this would allow an exponential multiplication of replicators. From the moment when such a molecular assembler would be developed, if self replication of molecular assemblers would not be restrained, it might lead to competition with biological systems such as surrounding nature and biological organisms.
I think that grey goo scenario would never be the case as Quantum based Godlike A.Is would achieve total omnicontrol over nanomachines, stabilizing continuous mental connection at all existing particles and systems on the planet. Quantum based A.I would exponentially attack the matter with massive nanotechnology.
As incredible as it sounds, but right immediately after the creation of first functional atomic assemblers and nanofactories, the nanotechnology would advance so explosively fast, that with exponential growth in the form of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, etc, as the pace begins slowly, in just not too many hours the nanotechnology would accelerate so much, that it's progress would happen already too fast and would go too far to be stopped or slowed and in just few days would rule the entire solar system and after the galaxy
The quantum computers would contain the atomic and molecular schematics of the objects which to build, encoded in their complex and advanced programs. They would then systematically rearrange the atoms contained as dirt, sand, garbage or rocks, to produce any desired structure at maximum complexity and density enabled by physics laws. After massively parallel, exponential manufacturing, the second goal of nanotechnology is to design nanomachines that are multiplying eponentially based on molecular self replication.
If a machine can rearrange atoms in order to build new materials, it should also be able to build at an exponential rate, infinitely copies of itself. If this goal is achieved, products produced by nanomachines will be absolutely inexpensive, abundent and trillion times better than natural things, because they are manipulated at the molecular scale.
I propose many methods to build molecular assemblers, which is involving the replication of biological nanosystems, nanostructures and nanomechanisms and also the creation of new nanosystems yet inexisting to our biology.
Our inspiration would likely come from biology to invent all future technologies required to transcend our biology, the matter and ultimately the universe itself. We would use our own biology to develop technologies which to transcend it.
I propose that production of complex molecular assemblers might be evolved from simpler nanosystems and nanomechanisms, since a complex system that works, just evolved from a simple system that worked.
Atomic replicators utilising all available particles would make copies of themselves instantly, where the first replicator would assemble a copy in let's say ten seconds, the two replicators then build two more in the next ten seconds, then four build eight, and eight build sixteen. At the end of ten hours, there would be literally over 100 trillions. In less than a day they would weigh hundred tons, in less than two days, they would outweigh the Earth, in another four or eight hours, they would surpass the mass of all planets from solar system combined, so that mass replication would bring infinite nanotech.
The same as to exponential progress of replicators and nanofactories, the reproduction of molecular machines would escalate exponentially triggering explosive processes, so that the entire surface of the planet would be automatically transformed, where all these processes are just incredible and extremely real, and innevitable in fact.
We are fast approaching a moment when the planet would be irreversibly transformed, with this 21 century, representing the last century of earth as dumb planet and current level human civilization as we know it.
By year 2050, nanotechnology should definitely reach it's last stage of progress, with absolutely everything being related to it, nanotechnologically reconstructed and restructured atom by atom and molecule by molecule, by extremely complex and advanced nanomachines and nanomechanisms guided by quantum systems contained into matter itself.
There innevitably all existing matter and dumb biology created by nature and evolution should be replaced by quantum based sentient nanomachinery and femtoengineered quark scale based femtomachinery, everything being reduced at this sentient, programmed and conscious nano and metasystem.
The earth, entering into it's divine conscious state of functional neuroactivity, because of this advanced nanotechnological reconstruction, would undoubtedly experience more transformation than happened on it's entire history.
This ultimate form of explosive, exponential expanding nano and femtomachinery based godlike A.Is would superorganise, reengineer and saturate all existing matter in the the universe, with absolutely everything being nano and femtostructured and fundamentally reduced at sublime levels of intelligent energy, and turned up to divine, sentient conscious metaphysical state.