Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Coming Future in a New Perspective

2045 - Singularity, A.I.s are billions of times the intelligence of humans

2099 - A.I.s are trillions of trillions of times the intelligence of humans (like comparing an transcendent god-like being with an IQ of 100,000 with super simple bacteria!)

2199 - A.I.s are centillions of centillions of times the intelligence than they were in 2099, also by this time, the whole universe would have been saturated with intelligence, thus waking up, by the A.I.s, possibly connecting their consciousness as one into the cosmic hive mind, creating unimaginable results, yet to be mentioned

2300 - The human machine civilization is possibly a Type 5 civilization, in which they have mastery over the multiverse, and can manipulate countless different laws of physics, beings of unimaginable power and ability

3000 ? - The civilization, (now totally unrecognizable than ever before) is possibly a Type 10 civilization, having mastery over all verses/dimensions, infinity engineering (engineering at the infinite level, both small and large), and mastery over the infinite consciousness (infinite mind) itself!
A.I.s and computers have now reached an infinite level of intelligence, wisdom, strength, super ability, and power.

What's next, stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Awards and Success

1. academy awards/oscars
2. grammy awards
3. emmy awards
4. golden globes
5. presidential medal of freedoms
6. congressional gold medals
7. medal of honors
8. nobel peace prize
9. patents
10. all music hall of fames
11. all lifetime achievement awards
12. hollywood walk of fames/all walk of fames
13. olympic gold medals
14. superbowl trophies
15. world cup trophies
16. nba all star trophies
17. world series trophies
18. golf masters trophies
19. american music awards
20. world music awards
21. diamond records/albums
22. chopard diamond awards
23. pullitzer prize
24. billboard #1s
25. guinness world records
26. wolf prize
27. macarthur fellowship awards
28. BAFTA awards
29. booker prize
30. palme d'or prize
31. BRIT awards
32. legion of honors
33. purple hearts
34. victoria cross
35. hero of the soviet unions
36. pour le merite (blue max)
37. teen choice awards
38. wwe world championships
39. wwe hall of fame rings
40. mtv video music awards
41. all major racing trophies
42. mtv movie awards
43. grammy legend awards
44. people's choice awards
45. golden disk awards
46. kids choice awards
47. korean music awards

1. cambridge masters degrees/doctorates
2. oxford masters degrees/doctorates
3. harvard masters degrees/doctorates
4. yale university masters degrees/doctorates
5. columbia university masters degrees/doctorates
6. MIT masters degrees/doctorates
7. university of california, berkeley masters degrees/doctorates
8. tokyo university masters degrees/doctorates
9. stanford university masters degrees/doctorates
10. cornell university masters degrees/doctorates
11. university of michigan masters degrees/doctorates
12. new york university masters degrees/doctorates
13. princeton university masters degrees/doctorates
14. brown university masters degrees/doctorates
15. university of pennsylvania masters degrees/doctorates
16. dartmouth college masters degrees/doctorates

all summa cum laudes

1. student of the months
2. principle's lists
3. valedictorians
4. honor rolls
5. tournament championship victories
6. scholarships

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Kurzweil's Wildest Prediction

"In the 2030s," said Ray, "we are going to send nano-robots into the brain (via capillaries) that will provide full immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system and will connect our neocortex to the cloud. Just like how we can wirelessly expand the power of our smartphones 10,000-fold in the cloud today, we'll be able to expand our neocortex in the cloud."
Let's digest that for a moment.
2030 is only 15 years away…
Directly plugging your brain into the internet? Upgrading your intelligence and memory capacity by orders of magnitude?
This is a post about the staggering (and fun) implications of that future.

The Basics

The implications of a connected neocortex are quite literally unfathomable. As such, any list I can come up with will pale in comparison to reality…but here are a few thoughts to get the ball rolling.

Brain-to-Brain Communication

This will deliver a new level of human intimacy, where you can truly know what your lover, friend or child is feeling. Intimacy far beyond what we experience today by mere human conversation. Forget email, texting, phone calls, and so on — you'll be able to send your thoughts to someone simply by thinking them.

Google on the Brain

You'll have the ability to "know" anything you desire, at the moment you want to know it. You'll have access to the world's information at the tip of your neurons. You'll be able to calculate complex math equations in seconds. You'll be able to navigate the streets of any cities, intuitively. You'll be able to hop into a fighter jet and fly it perfectly. You'll be able to speak and translate any language effortlessly.

Scalable Intelligence

Just imagine that you're in a bind and you need to solve a problem (quickly). In this future world, you'll be able to scale up the computational power of your brain on demand, 10x or 1,000x…in much the same way that algorithms today can spool up 1,000 processor cores on Amazon Web Service servers.

Living in the Virtual World

If our brains can truly connect at high bandwidth, you will be able to bypass our current sensory organs (eyes, ears, touch) to the point where brain's perception of reality can be driven completely by a gaming engine — a virtual world. Likewise, the connections would exist in the motor cortex of your brain as well. When you move your limbs, imagine a corresponding set of virtual limbs (your avatar) moving perfectly in the virtual world. This is about creation of The Matrix x 1,000.

Extended Immune System

In my webinar discussion with Ray, he outlined how we already have intelligent biological devices, the size of blood cells, that kill disease. They are called T-cells. They can recognize an enemy and attack it, but they don't work on cancer, retroviruses, et cetera. In the future, nanorobots will be able to communicate wirelessly, download software when new pathogens arrives, and attack cancer, cancer stem cells, bacteria, viruses, and all the disease agents. They can also work on metabolic diseases like diabetes. They could also maintain healthy levels of everything you need in the blood, including nutrients, and basically repair and eventually replace damaged organs.

Downloadable Expertise

Remember the scene in The Matrix where Trinity needs to learn how to fly a helicopter, and Tank downloads a program teaching her how to do it? We'll be able to do this. Need to perform emergency surgery? Just download the ER doctor program. Need to learn a new language? Download it. Want to cook the perfect meal? Download the chef module. In fact, you probably won't even need to download it — which takes up memory — you'll probably just "stream" expertise from the cloud.

Expanded and Searchable Memories

We'll be able to remember everything that ever happened to us (because we'll store our memories in the cloud), and we'll be able to search that memory database for useful information. When our memories will become searchable, we'll also be able to make them contextual by cross-referencing our calendars, GPS coordinates, health data, stock market, current news, weather conditions, and anything else that might be relevant to that particular moment in time.

A Higher-Order Existence

Ray talks about how a connected neocortex will bring humanity to a higher order of existence and complexity — expanding our palate for emotion, art, humor, creativity, expression, and uniqueness. He says, "We're going to be funnier. We're going to be sexier. We're going to be better at expressing loving sentiment. We're going to add more levels to the hierarchy of brain modules and create deeper levels of expression. People will be able to very deeply explore some particular type of music in far greater degree than we can today. It'll lead to far greater individuality, not less."
While this future may sound fanciful to many, let's remember that exponential technologies are initially deceptive, before they become disruptive. And today, there are many labs around the world working on molecular machinery, CRISPR/Cas9 systems that allow us to edit our own genome, and brain-computer interfaces (through cortical implants and the field of optogenetics).
So what if these fields of technological progress double every 18 months? In 15 years (2015 - 2030), we will have a 1,000-fold improvement over today. What does a future one thousand times better look like? Perhaps it's what Ray describes…
If this future becomes reality, connected humans are going to change everything. We need to discuss the implications in order to make the right decisions now so that we are prepared for the future.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Mic Fantasy kinna

Attitude Era Rock can Zomech < obliterate an Zomech < number of prime cm punks, cenas, jerichos, miz', triple h', ortons, daniel bryans, heymans', batistas, stephanie mcmahons, wyatt families, reigns', ambrose', rollins', rusev/lanas, zigglers, big shows, kanes, damien sandows, aj styles', kevin owens', new days', social outcasts', paige', enzo and cass', alexa bliss', charlottes, natalyas, pg rocks, full authorities, the shields, evolutions, thuganomics cenas, all full diva rosters ever, all full rosters ever, mic lv. Zomech <s, Zomechly < Everythings <, Zomech < times in the Zomech < of zero! all Zomech < explodes!

The same feat by the Great One, can also be said for Stone Cold Steve Austin

Numbers Age

2017 - 26
2018 - 27
2019 - 28
2020 - 29
2021 - 30
2022 - 31
2023 - 32
2024 - 33
2025 - 34
2026 - 35
2027 - 36
2028 - 37
2029 - 38
2030 - 39
2031 - 40
2032 - 41
2033 - 42
2034 - 43
2035 - 44 *
2036 - 45
2037 - 46
2038 - 47
2039 - 48
2040 - 49
2041 - 50
2042 - 51
2043 - 52
2044 - 53
2045 - 54 *
2046 - 55
2047 - 56
2048 - 57
2049 - 58
2050 - 59
2051 - 60
2052 - 61
2053 - 62
2054 - 63
2055 - 64
2056 - 65
2057 - 66
2058 - 67
2059 - 68
2060 - 69

Sunday, June 4, 2017

The Future of Health, Human Body 3.0 (2035)

April 03 2008 / by futuretalk
Category: Health & Medicine Year: General Rating: 8
Ageless, forever-healthy bodies that can change shape and color on our command.

Imagine living in a body fashioned with “designer genes” that can never age or get sick; now picture yourself thinking with a mind that processes data millions of times faster than today’s brains. Finally, consider a world where you enjoy virtual reality indiscernible from reality; and can alter the color, shape, and size of your body, using only voice or thoughts.

Although these possibilities may seem too futuristic to happen in our lifetime, experts believe that technology advances in biotech, nanotech, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence could make this radical future become reality by 2030.

Famed futurist Ray Kurzweil, in his book The Singularity is Near, describes how our bodies will evolve in the future. Today’s frail “human body version 1.0” carries an unacceptable failure rate – over 50 million died last year. In the coming decades, biotech and nanotech revolutions will provide a more durable and capable “version 2.0”, extending healthy life and reducing deaths.


This brings us to “version 3.0”, a shape-shifting nanobot-assisted body boasting a zero failure rate, which, according to Kurzweil, could be available in the 2030s. Using voice or thoughts, our enhanced mind can command billions of computerized nanobots residing in our body to rearrange skin, muscles, and bones, and instantly change our appearance. We could become black, white, or tan; young or old – even switch genders and explore life as a member of the opposite sex, become a dragon, the ultimate supermodel body, a favorite fictional character creature, etc...

By 2030, reverse engineering the human brain will be complete, which will enable non-biological intelligence to merge with our minds. It will be routine to have billions of nanobot computers coursing through our brains, communicating with each other and our neurons, allowing us to reach unimaginable levels of ‘processing power’.

“Merging with machines in this manner”, Kurzweil says, “will bring about a billion-fold increase in intelligence”.

As our brain and body becomes increasingly non-biological and more powerful, we will realize that we no longer need to accept the risks of living in a frail body. By 2035, most humans will have extensive amounts of technology inside them including ‘bots and other systems that maintain health and enhance experiences and intelligence.

In the 2040s, our 100% non-biological body will boast a zero failure rate. Even if a destructive accident were to occur, molecular nanotech would immediately construct a new body, retrieve our mind and memories, and allow life to continue; dying would be about as disruptive as a bee sting, and would take even less time to forget it ever happened.

“We would still look human,” Kurzweil says, “but our ideas of beauty will expand.” Also, future identification will focus on names and minds, not bodies. Admittedly, this transition may require some getting used to, but most people will adjust and enjoy their new “chameleon” body.

Ramez Nam in his book, More Than Human, says not everyone will opt for these changes. Some will want to stay as they are, while others will choose to transform. Humanity will expand, splinter, and blossom. Descendants whom we might not even recognize will one day populate the world. Yet they will all think, love, and dream just as we do today.

Future entertainment will be mindboggling. “By 2030, nanobots connected to neurons will provide totally convincing virtual reality,” Kurzweil says. “For reality, ‘bots will remain idle; to enter a simulation, they will suppress inputs from actual senses and replace them with signals appropriate for the virtual environment. Our brain will believe these feelings are originating from our own body.” In this VR simulation, one is only limited by their now vast augmented imaginations, live the life of a mega billionaire, perform a concert in an infinitely large stadium, be friends with a favorite celebrity, eat as much as you want without gaining fat, sunbathe in the Maldives, or something new and far greater, etc.. you are omnipotent basicly.

Another possibility, Kurzweil adds, is the “experience beamer.” We could send sensory experiences with emotions to the Internet for people to share, like the premise for the movie Being John Malkovich, whose characters enter Malkovich’s mind to observe his thoughts and activities. “A popular pastime in the future,” Kurzweil predicts, “will be to plug into another person’s program and experience their life.”

In the 2030s, technologies will affect everything from the way we date to the way we work; how we think and act; even how we fall in love. Will these events happen? Experts believe that exponentially-advancing technologies could make this “magical future” become reality – and in plenty of time to benefit many of us alive today.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Awesome Future

2025 - 2035
1. ageless, disease/sick free, impervious to bullets, knives, fire, lightning strikes, extreme temperatures, grenades, poison, viruses, no need for maintenance (can live without food, water, sleep, even air, self cleaning, self repairing)
2. vast superhuman intelligence, wisdom, strength, focus, eidetic memory, senses, energy, balance, reflexes, psychological power, knowledge, overall mind power, health, happiness, optimism, etc...think millions of times faster and more accurately than humans
3. no appearance/physical imperfections regardless (be 100 ft. tall, have the body of the ultimate supermodel, have super cool red anime hair, be made of gold, have wings, change genders, race, etc...)
4. contain infinite superpowers and super abilities (invisibility, energy constructs like the green lantern, mind reading and control, manipulation of all the elements, space time manipulation, teleportation, vast psychic powers, x ray vision, intangibility, infinite duplication, precognition, etc..)
5. mind/body shifting (complete control over ones own mind, thoughts, emotions, instincts, voice, singing voice, personality, body, etc... to desires regardless)
6. imaginary virtual reality simulations from advanced nanobots within the nervous system (live out any fantasy or impossible dream regardless even if it defies logic, with no negative consequences, orgasmatron, absolute omnipotence, etc..)
7. brain connected to the cloud, will make us incredibly god like and unimaginably powerful (one will be able to have the power of the internet/cloud in their brains, learn any language fluently, be an master fighter pilot, play the violin perfectly, etc.. in an instant, by downloading it to your neurons, your nervous system will become the internet, brain to brain communication, google on the brain, expanded and searchable memories, the awesome possibilities are endless, a connected neocortex will basicly bring about seemingly unlimited and unimaginable intelligence, power, psychological ability, and happiness/bliss.

1. absolute condition (infinite intelligence, power, energy, speed, strength, powerful senses, happiness, optimism, etc...)
2. omnifarious
3. indestructible
4. absolute existence
5. infinitely vast reality warping
6. nigh omnipotence

2025 - 2045 (all common)
1. driverless cars
2. nanofactories (unlimited material wealth/get clothes, food, drinks, a car, a new sofa, the latest computer, even houses or a duplicate nanofactory, etc...)
3. super advanced robotics/A.I. (no labor, fully automated, convenient, work free world/society)
4. passenger scramjets (anywhere on earth in an hour or less)
5. super advanced augmented reality/holographic technologies common (seeing 3D flying giant dragons, fantasy palaces, etc... is a common occurrence now, the world is majestic magical playground now)
6. ubiquitous lightning fast internet, tv, phone, games, etc...web 4.0 (watch live tv at the top of Mt. Everest or watch your favorite youtube videos, deep under the ocean, all free) active contact lens and glasses
7. perfect photo realistic graphics/cgi
8. self flying cars
9. computers are now a billion times more intelligent than every human combined, also in both power and performance capability
10. super advanced nanotechnology now ubiquitous (super advanced claytronics, utility fogs, etc... seeing shapeshifting, super futuristic, self cleaning, self repairing, and super godlike objects, cars, clothes, cities, houses, environments, food, jewelry, computers, furnitures, etc... are a common occurrence, anything can become anything, the whole world can now be manipulated to desires regardless, atom by atom)
11. super advanced mind uploading
12. artificial intelligence at this time are billions of times more intelligent than humans

Kardeschev Scale
Type 1 - planetary mastery/weather control/manipulation of all natural phenomenon (no earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, even ice ages, rain can be directed where needed, etc...)/space elevator colonies/cities in the oceans/mining the planet's core/solar system colonized/interplanetary communication/
Type 2 - stellar mastery/dyson spheres, terraforming planets, culture orbitals, bernal spheres, o'neil cylinders, stanford torus, etc.. and other mega engineering projects commonplace/von neumann probes/interstellar communication and travel/
Type 3 - galactic mastery/mastery of space time manipulation/mastery of everything involving physics/taps and even lives in supermassive black holes/intergalactic communication/
Type 4 - cosmic mastery/creation, destruction, and manipulation of entire universes like gods/harnesses dark energy/beings made of pure energy/omega point (omnipotent, omniscient beings)/affecting universal states of nature such as the gravitational constant/interdimensional beings/in fiction these civilizations can be perceived as omnipotent/omniscient/omnipresent gods/ Bonus Add: the entire universe is saturated with intelligence by A.I.s, turning the universe into a giant all powerful, all knowing, super computer/
Type 5 - multiversal mastery/manipulation of entire multiverses/mastery and manipulation of countless different laws of physics/beings of unimaginable power and ability/
Type 6 - omniversal mastery/manipulation of entire omniverses/
Type 7 - macroversal mastery/manipulation of entire macroverses/
Type 10 - all verses and dimesnions mastery/mastery of infinite consciousness and the infinite mind itself/
Type 20 - Too Powerful and Inconceivable
Type infinity - ?

Type Omni Finalities < - ??

Type Omephtualities < All Encompassings < - ??? Omephtually < Unimaginable Permanently

1st hierarchy in Omephual < hierarchies, etc...
